2024-08-21 20:54:57 +00:00

631 lines
51 KiB

luckperms.commandsystem.available-commands=Use {0} to see th'' orders available ta ye
luckperms.commandsystem.command-not-recognised=That order be missin'' cannot give th'' crew that order, ye not th'' cap''n\! cannot give th'' crew any sub orders, ye not th'' cap''n
luckperms.commandsystem.already-executing-command=A command is being execut''d, ye ''ave to wait for it to finish...
luckperms.commandsystem.usage.sub-commands-header=Nested Orders
luckperms.commandsystem.usage.usage-header=Use o'' th'' order
luckperms.commandsystem.usage.arguments-header=Arguments seems ye crew been spendin'' too much time sleepin'' and th'' deck still needin'' ta be scrubbed\!
luckperms.first-time.use-console-to-give-access=Before ye can use any o'' the luckyperms commands in-game, ye need to use the console to give yerself access
luckperms.first-time.console-command-prompt=Dock ashore ''n'' run ye done this ''ere, ye can begin givin'' orders ''n'' dictatin'' what be allowed at sea? Check ''ere\: {0}
luckperms.login.try-again=Belay that order, matey
luckperms.login.loading-database-error=Alas\! Ye treasure chest containin'' ta allowed orders not be workin''
luckperms.login.server-admin-check-console-errors=If ye be the ship''s cap''n, dock ashore and be on th'' lookout fer errors
luckperms.login.server-admin-check-console-info=Splice the mainbrace ashore fer that there information treasure chest with yer allowed orders fer yer crew not been loaded durin'' boardin''
luckperms.login.craftbukkit-offline-mode-error=this here likely be caused by a conflict between CraftBukkit an'' the online-mode settin''
luckperms.login.unexpected-error=Somethin'' we weren''t lookin'' out fer happened when we be settin'' up yer allowed orders
luckperms.opsystem.disabled=Ye vanilla cap''n system be disabled on this ''ere server
luckperms.opsystem.sponge-warning=Ye been made aware that yer server cap''n status ''as no effect on checks o'' th'' allowed orders on Sponge when ye be usin'' a plugin ta control th'' allowed orders, ye must take control a'' th'' crew
luckperms.duration.unit.years.plural={0} yars
luckperms.duration.unit.years.singular={0} yar
luckperms.duration.unit.months.plural={0} months
luckperms.duration.unit.months.singular={0} month
luckperms.duration.unit.weeks.plural={0} weeks out at sea
luckperms.duration.unit.weeks.singular={0} week
luckperms.duration.unit.days.plural={0} days out at sea
luckperms.duration.unit.days.singular={0} day
luckperms.duration.unit.hours.plural={0} hourglasses passed
luckperms.duration.unit.hours.singular={0} hourglass
luckperms.duration.unit.minutes.plural={0} minutes of sailing
luckperms.duration.unit.minutes.singular={0} minute
luckperms.duration.unit.seconds.plural={0} seconds
luckperms.duration.unit.seconds.singular={0} second
luckperms.duration.since={0} sailings ago
luckperms.command.misc.invalid-code=Yer code be gobbledygook
luckperms.command.misc.response-code-key=code a'' th'' received message
luckperms.command.misc.bytebin-unable-to-communicate=Unable ta parrot over a message ta bytebin
luckperms.command.misc.webapp-unable-to-communicate=Unable ta parrot over a message ta th'' web app
luckperms.command.misc.check-console-for-errors=Alas\! Dock ashore and be on th'' lookout fer errors
luckperms.command.misc.file-must-be-in-data=Book {0} gotta be in th'' data diary
luckperms.command.misc.wait-to-finish=Ye must wait fer it ta be finished an'' try again
luckperms.command.misc.invalid-priority=One a'' ye priorities be invalid {0}
luckperms.command.misc.expected-number=Ye order be needin'' a number to keep sailin''{0} not be a date seadog can tell ye don''t live in the past\!'' at chest {0} of {1}{0} doubloons
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.unexpected=A Jolly Roger appeared out ''a nowhere
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.user=Scallywag not loaded
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.user-specific=Unable ta load ye target lad {0}
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.user-not-found=A lad fer {0} not be found
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.user-save-error=There be an error whilst savin'' {0}''s data
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.user-not-online=Crewmate {0} ain''t ''ere
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.user-invalid=Arrrrgghhh, {0} not on me ship
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.user-not-uuid=One a'' yer lads {0} be missin'' a valid id crew not be ''ere
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.all-groups=Some a'' ye crew be lost at sea crew named {0} not ''ere saving thee booty for {0}{0} be lost at sea
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.track=This track be lost at sea
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.all-tracks=Some a'' me tracks be lost at sea
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.track-not-found=Ye track {0} not be found
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.track-save-error=There be an error writing sailing routes for {0}
luckperms.command.misc.loading.error.track-invalid=Ye don''t have yourself a valid name with {0}''t open yer editor, matey\! Not an object matched yer desired type\!
luckperms.command.editor.start=Fixin'' you up yer brand new editor session\! Hold yer horses...
luckperms.command.editor.url=Click on yer link below to enter yer editor abyss
luckperms.command.editor.unable-to-communicate=Can''t reach yer editor, matey\!
luckperms.command.editor.apply-edits.success=Yer editor''s info was applicated to {0} {1} with great success
luckperms.command.editor.apply-edits.success-summary={0} {1} and {2} {3}
luckperms.command.editor.apply-edits.success.deletions-singular=slaughter'' be no changes applied from th'' web editor, not a single line be different
luckperms.command.editor.apply-edits.unknown-type=Arr\! You can''t apply an edit to th'' specified object type
luckperms.command.editor.apply-edits.unable-to-read=Arr\! Unable to read the data using th'' given code'' through th'' shiplog for crewmates or groups with {0}'' through th'' shiplog for crewmates or groups who inherit from {0} {0} entries from ye {1} crewmates and {2} groups\: when searching through shiplogs for crewmates of th'' default group, crewmates on land with no other permissions will not be shown\! ye crewmates diary entries ye group diary entries
luckperms.command.tree.start=Ordering the quartermaster to write down a permission tree, wait while he retrieves his parchment...
luckperms.command.tree.empty=Unable to generate th'' tree, no results were given
luckperms.command.tree.url=Permission tree URL
luckperms.command.verbose.invalid-filter={0} is a carouser of a verbose filter
luckperms.command.verbose.enabled=Verbose loggin'' {0} fer checks matchin'' {1}
luckperms.command.verbose.command-exec=Ordering {0} to execute th'' command {1} and reporting all actions... loggin'' {0}
luckperms.command.verbose.command-exec-complete=Yer crew has carried out yer orders'' command was executed me hearties, ''owever no permission checks ''ere made
luckperms.command.verbose.command.possibly-async=Tis ''ight be ''cause th'' plug''n runs commands in the back''round (async)
luckperms.command.verbose.command.try-again-manually=Ye can stil'' use verbose manually to detec'' checks made like tis
luckperms.command.verbose.enabled-recording=Verbose loggin'' {0} fer checks matchin'' {1}
luckperms.command.verbose.uploading=Verbose logging {0}, ordering the quartermaster to retrieve th'' results...
luckperms.command.verbose.url=Veerrrrbooose results URL
luckperms.command.verbose.enabled-term=setting sail
luckperms.command.verbose.query-any=ANY'' with full sails Brranding Verrsion wind is tied togethe'' of th'' barrels on board contexts Aboard{0} unique ship''s age Data{0} crewmates, {1} groups, {2} tracks
luckperms.command.generic.create.success=Ye quartermaster organized {0}
luckperms.command.generic.create.error=Arr\! Some sailor messed up whilst creating {0}
luckperms.command.generic.create.error-already-exists=Ye already have {0}\!
luckperms.command.generic.delete.success={0} was sentenced to the plank
luckperms.command.generic.delete.error=Arr\! Some sailor messed up whilst deleting {0}
luckperms.command.generic.delete.error-doesnt-exist=Yer had too much rum; {0} don''t exist\!
luckperms.command.generic.rename.success={0} successfully be renamed to {1}
luckperms.command.generic.clone.success={0} successfully be cloned onto {1} Groups Parent Groups fish bait in frrom{0}''s Tracks{0} not be in any of yer tracks
luckperms.command.generic.clear.node-removed={0} nodes were sent off th'' plank
luckperms.command.generic.clear.node-removed-singular={0} node was sent off th'' plank
luckperms.command.generic.clear={0}''s nodes were sent off the plank in context {1}{0}''s Permissions{0} be havin'' no permissions yet to remove th'' node from {0} prems dont work for The {0}{0} ''as {1} set to {2} in th'' context {3}{0} in''erits {1} set to {2} from {3} in contex'' {4}{0} does nah ''ave {1} set{0} does nah inherit {1}
luckperms.command.generic.permission.check.result.title=Test if {0} is eligible of the gold
luckperms.command.generic.permission.check.result.result-key=Ye result
luckperms.command.generic.permission.set=Set {0} to {1} for {2} in th'' context {3}
luckperms.command.generic.permission.already-has=Arr\! {0} already has {1} set in context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.permission.set-temp=Set {0} to {1} for {2} for the time o'' {3} in context {4}
luckperms.command.generic.permission.already-has-temp=Arr\! {0} already has {1} set temporarily in context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.permission.unset=Wiped {0} for {1} in context {2} off the deck
luckperms.command.generic.permission.doesnt-have=Arr\! {0} does not have {1} set in context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.permission.unset-temp=Unset th'' temporary permission {0} for {1} in context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.permission.subtract=Set {0} to {1} for {2} for the time o'' {3} in context {4}, {5} less than yer previous clock
luckperms.command.generic.permission.doesnt-have-temp=Arr\! {0} does not have {1} set temporarily in context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.permission.clear={0}''s permissions were sent off the plank in context {1}{0}''s Parents{0} don''t have any parents defined to remove th'' parent from {0}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.add={0} now inherits th'' permissions from {1} in context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.add-temp={0} now inherits th'' permissions from {1} for a duration of {2} in context {3}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.set={0} had their existing parent groups cleared, and now only inherits {1} in th'' context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.set-track={0} had their existing parent groups on track {1} sent off the ship, and now only inherits {2} in th'' context {3}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.remove={0} no longer inherits th'' permissions from {1} in context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.remove-temp={0} no longer temporarily inherits th'' permissions from {1} in context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.subtract={0} now inherits th'' permissions from {1} for a duration of {2} in context {3}, {4} less than earlier
luckperms.command.generic.parent.clear={0}''s parents were sent off the plank in context {1}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.clear-track={0}''s parents on track {1} were sent off the plank in context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.already-inherits=Arr\! {0} already inherits from {1} in th'' context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.doesnt-inherit=Arr\! {0} doesn''t inherit from {1} in th'' context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.already-temp-inherits={0} already temporarily inherits from {1} in th'' context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.parent.doesnt-temp-inherit={0} doesn''t temporarily inherit from {1} in th'' context {2}{0}''s Titles{0}''s Suffixes{0} has no titles{0} has no suffixes to remove {0} from {1}{0} already has {1} {2} set at th'' priority of {3} in th'' context of {4}{0} already has {1} {2} set temporarily at th'' priority of {3} in th'' context of {4}{0} doesn''t have {1} {2} set at th'' priority of {3} in th'' context of {4}{0} doesn''t have {1} {2} set temporarily at th'' priority of {3} in th'' context of {4}{0} already has {1} {2} set at th'' priority of {3} in th'' context of {4}{0} already has {1} {2} set at th'' priority of {3} for th'' duration of {4} in context {5}{0} already has {1} {2} set at th'' priority {3} removed in th'' context {4}{0} already has {1} at th'' priority {2} removed in th'' context {3}{0} had temporary {1} {2} at th'' priority {3} removed in th'' context {4}{0} had all temporary {1} at th'' priority {2} removed in th'' context {3}{0}''s Meta\! {0} has no meta to remove yer meta node from {0}
luckperms.command.generic.meta.already-has={0} already has th'' meta key {1} set to {2} in th'' context {3}
luckperms.command.generic.meta.already-has-temp={0} already has th'' meta key {1} temporarily set to {2} in th'' context {3}
luckperms.command.generic.meta.doesnt-have={0} doesn''t have meta key {1} set in th'' context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.meta.doesnt-have-temp={0} doesn''t have meta key {1} set temporarily in th'' context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.meta.set=Set meta key {0} to {1} for {2} in th'' context {3}
luckperms.command.generic.meta.set-temp=Set meta key {0} to {1} for {2} for the time o'' {3} in th'' context {4}
luckperms.command.generic.meta.unset=Wiped th'' meta key {0} for {1} in th'' context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.meta.unset-temp=Unset th'' temporary meta key {0} for {1} in th'' context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.meta.clear={0}''s meta matching type {1} was sent off the plank in th'' context {2}
luckperms.command.generic.contextual-data.title=Contextual Data
luckperms.command.generic.contextual-data.mode.server=server matey
luckperms.command.generic.contextual-data.prefix-key=Yer Title
luckperms.command.generic.contextual-data.primary-group-key=Primary Group
luckperms.command.generic.contextual-data.null-result=Me none here info onboard fishin''
luckperms.command.user.removegroup.error-primary=Ye cannot remove a sailor from their primary allegiance
luckperms.command.user.primarygroup.not-member={0} wasn''t already a crewmate of {1}, ordering the quartermaster to add them now
luckperms.command.user.primarygroup.already-has={0} already has {1} set as their primary group
luckperms.command.user.primarygroup.warn-option=Arr\! Th'' primary group calculation method yer using ({0}) may not reflect this change
luckperms.command.user.primarygroup.set={0}''s primary group was set to {1}
luckperms.command.user.track.error-not-contain-group={0} isn''t in any groups on {1}
luckperms.command.user.track.unsure-which-track=The quartermaster wasn''t given enough information about th'' track to use, specify it as an argument
luckperms.command.user.track.missing-group-advice=Either create th'' group or remove it from th'' track and re-send th'' order to th'' sailors
luckperms.command.user.promote.added-to-first={0} isn''t in any groups on {1}, so they were added to th'' first group, {2} in th'' context {3}
luckperms.command.user.promote.not-on-track={0} isn''t in any groups on {1}, so the quartermaster didn''t bother with promoting them
luckperms.command.user.promote.success=Promoting {0} along th'' track {1} from {2} to {3} in th'' context {4}
luckperms.command.user.promote.end-of-track=Th'' end of track {0} was reached, unable to promote {1}'' next group on the track, {0}, has been disbanded
luckperms.command.user.promote.unable-to-promote=Unable to promote th'' crewmate
luckperms.command.user.demote.success=Demoting {0} along th'' track {1} from {2} to {3} in th'' context {4}
luckperms.command.user.demote.end-of-track=Th'' end of track {0} was reached, so {1} was removed from {2}
luckperms.command.user.demote.end-of-track-not-removed=Th'' end of track {0} was reached, so {1} was removed from th'' first group
luckperms.command.user.demote.previous-group-deleted=Th'' previous group on the track, {0}, has been disbanded
luckperms.command.user.demote.unable-to-demote=Unable to demote th'' user cannot scuttle th'' default group info Name weight to {0} for th'' group {1}{0} doesn''t have a display name set{0} already has th'' display name of {1}'' display name {0} already be taken by {1} display name to {0} for th'' group {1} in th'' context {2} the display name for th'' group {0} in context {1} off th'' plank
luckperms.command.track.path.empty=None'' Trrack
luckperms.command.track.clear={0}''s groups track contents were walked off the plank
luckperms.command.track.append.success=Group {0} was ad''ed to ye old track {1}
luckperms.command.track.insert.success=Group {0} was inserted into th'' track {1} at position {2}
luckperms.command.track.insert.error-number=Arr\! Expectin'' a number but got\: {0}
luckperms.command.track.insert.error-invalid-pos=Unable to insert at th'' position {0}
luckperms.command.track.insert.error-invalid-pos-reason=invalid position
luckperms.command.track.remove.success=Group {0} was removed from th'' track {1}
luckperms.command.track.error-empty={0} can''t be used as it''s empty or contains only one group
luckperms.command.track.error-multiple-groups={0} is a member of multiple of th'' groups on this tracks
luckperms.command.track.error-ambiguous=Unable to determine their location
luckperms.command.track.already-contains={0} already contains {1}
luckperms.command.track.doesnt-contain={0} doesn''t contain {1}
luckperms.command.log.load-error=Th'' log couldn''t be loaded
luckperms.command.log.invalid-page=There be no chart of that number, captain
luckperms.command.log.invalid-page-range=Arr\! Enter a number between {0} and {1}
luckperms.command.log.empty=The ship''s logs are empty, captain
luckperms.command.log.notify.error-console=Th'' console''s bell can''t be muted
luckperms.command.log.notify.enabled-term=Setting sail
luckperms.command.log.notify.changed-state={0} loggin'' its output
luckperms.command.log.notify.already-on=''ur ship''s bell is already ringing
luckperms.command.log.notify.already-off=''ur ship''s bell is muted
luckperms.command.log.notify.invalid-state=Arr\! That state is unknown, expecting {0} or {1} th'' recent actions for query {0} th'' ship''s logs th'' ship''s logs by {0} th'' history for {0} {1}
luckperms.command.export.error-term=Arr\! Some sailor messed up
luckperms.command.export.already-running=Arr\! Another export process is already running
luckperms.command.export.file.already-exists=File {0} alrrready exists
luckperms.command.export.file.not-writable=File {0} ain''t writeable
luckperms.command.export.file.success=Ye successfully exported to {0}
luckperms.command.export.file-unexpected-error-writing=Arr\! An unexpected error occurred while writing to th'' file
luckperms.command.export.web.export-code=Export code
luckperms.command.export.web.import-command-description=Use th'' following command to import
luckperms.command.import.error-term=Arr\! Some sailor messed up
luckperms.command.import.already-running=Arr\! Another import process is already running
luckperms.command.import.file.doesnt-exist=Yer had too much rum; File {0} don''t exist
luckperms.command.import.file.not-readable=File {0} ain''t readable
luckperms.command.import.file.unexpected-error-reading=Arr\! An unexpected error occurred while reading from th'' import file
luckperms.command.import.file.correct-format=is it th'' correct format?
luckperms.command.import.web.unable-to-read=Arr\! Unable to read the data using th'' given code
luckperms.command.import.progress.percent=Th'' journey is {0}% complete
luckperms.command.import.progress.operations={0}/{1} of th'' sails unfurled
luckperms.command.import.starting=Th'' anchor has been raised on the import process
luckperms.command.import.duration=took {0} seconds
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.must-use-console=Th'' bulk update command can only be used in th'' console
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.invalid-data-type=Arr\! That be an invalid type matey\! LP be expecting {0}
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.invalid-constraint=Invalid constraint {0}, matey
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.invalid-constraint-format=Constraints should be in th'' format {0}
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.invalid-comparison=Invalid comparison operator {0}, what be you doing mate
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.invalid-comparison-format=Expected one of th'' following\: {0}
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.queued=Bulk update operation was queued
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.confirm=Run {0} to execute th'' update
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.unknown-id=Operation with id {0} does not be existing or has expired
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.starting=Runnin'' bulk update
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.success=Arrr\! Yar bulk update completed successfully
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.success.statistics.nodes=Total affected nodes
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.success.statistics.users=Total affected users
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.success.statistics.groups=Total affected groups
luckperms.command.bulkupdate.failure=Arr\! Bulk update failed, check th'' console for errors
luckperms.command.update-task.request=An update task has been requested, slow ''ur ship down matey
luckperms.command.update-task.complete=Update task has been completed
luckperms.command.update-task.push.attempting=Now attempting to send th'' info to other servers
luckperms.command.update-task.push.complete=Other servers were notified via {0} successfully
luckperms.command.update-task.push.error=Error whilst pushing th'' changes to other servers
luckperms.command.update-task.push.error-not-setup=Can''t push changes to yer other servers as yer messaging service has not been configured
luckperms.command.reload-config.success=Th'' configuration file was reloaded
luckperms.command.reload-config.restart-note=some options will only apply after th'' server has restarted
luckperms.command.translations.searching=Searching for th'' available translations, slow ''ur ship matey...
luckperms.command.translations.searching-error=Unable to obtain a list of available translations, ''ur stuck with pirate speak matey
luckperms.command.translations.installed-translations=Installed Translations
luckperms.command.translations.available-translations=Available Translations
luckperms.command.translations.percent-translated={0}% translated
luckperms.command.translations.installing=Installing translations, slow ''ur ship down matey... to download th'' translation for {0}
luckperms.command.translations.installing-specific=Installing th'' language {0}...
luckperms.command.translations.install-complete=Installation complete {0} to download and install th'' more recent versions of th'' translations provided by ''ur fellow pirates that this will override any changes you''ve made for these languages
luckperms.usage.user.description=A set of commands for managing crewmates within LuckPerms. (A ''user'' in LuckPerms is just a player, and can refer to a UUID or username) set of commands for managing groups with LuckPerms. Groups are just collections of permission assignments that can be given to mateys. New groups are made using th'' ''creategroup'' command.
luckperms.usage.track.description=A set of commands for managing tracks within LuckPerms. Tracks are an ordered collection of some groups which can be used for defining promotions and demotions.
luckperms.usage.log.description=A set of commands for managing th'' logging functionality within LuckPerms.
luckperms.usage.sync.description=Reloads all data from th'' plugins storage into memory and applies any changes that are noticed. general information about th'' active plugin instance.
luckperms.usage.editor.description=Creates a new web editor session
luckperms.usage.editor.argument.type=th'' types to load into th'' editor. (''all'', ''users'' or ''groups'')
luckperms.usage.editor.argument.filter=permission to be filtering user entries through
luckperms.usage.verbose.description=Controls th'' plugin''s verbose permission check system.
luckperms.usage.verbose.argument.action=whether to enable/disable logging or to upload th'' logged output
luckperms.usage.verbose.argument.filter=th'' filter to match entries against
luckperms.usage.verbose.argument.commandas=th'' player/command to be runnin''
luckperms.usage.tree.description=Generates a tree view (ordered list hierarchy) of all th'' permissions known by LuckPerms.
luckperms.usage.tree.argument.scope=th'' root of the tree. specify "." to include all th'' permissions
luckperms.usage.tree.argument.player=th'' name of an online matey to be checkin'' against far an'' wide for th'' users/groups wit'' a specific permis''ion'' permission to be lookin'' out for'' parchment number to view changes with th'' storage and request that all other servers on th'' network follow th'' order
luckperms.usage.import.description=Imports data from a (prreviously created) export file
luckperms.usage.import.argument.file=th'' file to be importing from
luckperms.usage.import.argument.replace=replace th'' existing data instead of merging
luckperms.usage.import.argument.upload=upload th'' data from ye previous export
luckperms.usage.export.description=Exports all th'' permissions data to an ''export'' file that can be imported at a later time.
luckperms.usage.export.argument.file=th'' file to be exporting to
luckperms.usage.export.argument.without-users=exclude users from th'' export
luckperms.usage.export.argument.without-groups=exclude users from th'' export
luckperms.usage.export.argument.upload=Upload all ye permission data t'' th'' webeditor. May be re-imported at a later time.
luckperms.usage.reload-config.description=Reload some of th'' config options
luckperms.usage.bulk-update.description=Execute bulk change queries on all th'' data'' type of data being changed. (''all'', ''users'', or ''groups'')
luckperms.usage.bulk-update.argument.action=th'' action to be performing on th'' data. (''update'' or ''delete'')
luckperms.usage.bulk-update.argument.action-field=th'' field to be acting upon. only required for ''update''. (''permission'', ''server'', or ''world'')
luckperms.usage.bulk-update.argument.action-value=th'' value to be replacing with. only required for ''update''.
luckperms.usage.bulk-update.argument.constraint=th'' constraints to be following for th'' update
luckperms.usage.translations.description=Manage th'' translations
luckperms.usage.translations.argument.install=subcommand to install th'' translations
luckperms.usage.apply-edits.description=Applies permission changes made from th'' editor
luckperms.usage.apply-edits.argument.code=th'' unique code for th'' data to be applying th'' data to
luckperms.usage.create-group.description=Create a new group'' name of th'' group
luckperms.usage.create-group.argument.weight=th'' booty size of th'' crew
luckperms.usage.create-group.argument.display-name=th'' voyage of th'' crew
luckperms.usage.delete-group.description=Delete a group'' name of th'' group
luckperms.usage.list-groups.description=List all th'' groups on th'' platform
luckperms.usage.create-track.description=Create a new track'' name of th'' track
luckperms.usage.delete-track.description=Delete a track'' name of th'' track
luckperms.usage.list-tracks.description=List all th'' tracks on th'' platform
luckperms.usage.user-info.description=Shows info ''bout th'' user
luckperms.usage.user-switchprimarygroup.description=Switches th'' user''s primary group'' group to switch to
luckperms.usage.user-promote.description=Promotes th'' user up a track
luckperms.usage.user-promote.argument.track=th'' track to be promoting th'' user up
luckperms.usage.user-promote.argument.context=th'' contexts to promote th'' prefix in
luckperms.usage.user-promote.argument.dont-add-to-first=only promote th'' user if they''re already on th'' track
luckperms.usage.user-demote.description=Demotes th'' user down yer track
luckperms.usage.user-demote.argument.track=tr'' track to be demoting th'' user down
luckperms.usage.user-demote.argument.context=th'' contexts to demote th'' user in
luckperms.usage.user-demote.argument.dont-remove-from-first=prevent th'' user from being removed from yer first group
luckperms.usage.user-clone.description=Clone th'' user
luckperms.usage.user-clone.argument.user=th'' name/uuid of th'' user to clone onto info about ye'' group the crewmates/groups tha'' inherit from th'' group'' parchment number to view th'' groups weight'' weight to set th'' group''s display name'' name to set'' context to set th'' name in yer group'' shiny new name a clone of th'' group'' name of th'' group to clone onto
luckperms.usage.holder-editor.description=Open th'' web editor
luckperms.usage.holder-showtracks.description=Lists th'' tracks that thy object be on
luckperms.usage.holder-clear.description=Walks all th'' permissions, parents, and meta off the plank
luckperms.usage.holder-clear.argument.context=th'' contexts to filter through
luckperms.usage.permission.description=Edit permissions
luckperms.usage.parent.description=Edit th'' inheritances
luckperms.usage.meta.description=Edit th'' metadata values
luckperms.usage.permission-info.description=Lists the permissions nodes th'' object has'' parchment number to view
luckperms.usage.permission-info.argument.sort-mode=how to sort th'' entries
luckperms.usage.permission-set.description=Sets a permission for th'' object
luckperms.usage.permission-set.argument.node=th'' permission node to set
luckperms.usage.permission-set.argument.value=th'' value of th'' node
luckperms.usage.permission-set.argument.context=th'' contexts to add th'' permission in
luckperms.usage.permission-unset.description=Wipes a permission for an object of th'' deck
luckperms.usage.permission-unset.argument.node=th'' permission node to unset
luckperms.usage.permission-unset.argument.context=th'' contexts to remove th'' permission in
luckperms.usage.permission-settemp.description=Sets a permission for th'' object temporarily
luckperms.usage.permission-settemp.argument.node=th'' permission node to set
luckperms.usage.permission-settemp.argument.value=th'' value of th'' node
luckperms.usage.permission-settemp.argument.duration=th'' duration till the permission node expires
luckperms.usage.permission-settemp.argument.temporary-modifier=how th'' temporary permission should be applied
luckperms.usage.permission-settemp.argument.context=th'' contexts to add th'' permission in
luckperms.usage.permission-unsettemp.description=Wipes a temporary permission for an object off th'' deck
luckperms.usage.permission-unsettemp.argument.node=th'' permission node to unset
luckperms.usage.permission-unsettemp.argument.duration=th'' duration to subtract
luckperms.usage.permission-unsettemp.argument.context=th'' contexts to remove th'' permission in
luckperms.usage.permission-check.description=Checks to see if the object be havin'' a certain permission node
luckperms.usage.permission-check.argument.node=th'' permission node to be lookin'' out for
luckperms.usage.permission-clear.description=Walks the permissions off the plank
luckperms.usage.permission-clear.argument.context=th'' contexts to filter through
luckperms.usage.parent-info.description=Lists th'' groups that thy object inherits from'' parchment number to view
luckperms.usage.parent-info.argument.sort-mode=how to sort th'' entries
luckperms.usage.parent-set.description=Rremoves all other groups th'' object inherits already and adds them to th'' one given'' group to set to
luckperms.usage.parent-set.argument.context=th'' contexts to set th'' group in
luckperms.usage.parent-add.description=Sets another group for th'' object to be inheriting permissions from'' group to be inheriting from
luckperms.usage.parent-add.argument.context=th'' contexts to inherit th'' group in
luckperms.usage.parent-remove.description=Rremoves a previously set inheritance law'' group to plank
luckperms.usage.parent-remove.argument.context=th'' contexts to plank th'' group in
luckperms.usage.parent-set-track.description=Rremoves all other groups th'' object inherits already and adds them to th'' one given
luckperms.usage.parent-set-track.argument.track=th'' track to set on'' group to set to or a number that be relating to the position of the group on th'' given track
luckperms.usage.parent-set-track.argument.context=th'' contexts to set th'' group in
luckperms.usage.parent-add-temp.description=Sets another group for th'' object to be inheriting permissions from temporarily'' group to be inheriting from
luckperms.usage.parent-add-temp.argument.duration=th'' duration of th'' group membership
luckperms.usage.parent-add-temp.argument.temporary-modifier=how th'' temporary permission should be applied
luckperms.usage.parent-add-temp.argument.context=th'' contexts to be inheriting th'' group in
luckperms.usage.parent-remove-temp.description=Rremoves a previously set temporary inheritance law'' group to plank
luckperms.usage.parent-remove-temp.argument.duration=th'' duration to subtract
luckperms.usage.parent-remove-temp.argument.context=th'' contexts to plank th'' group in
luckperms.usage.parent-clear.description=Wipe th'' deck of all parents
luckperms.usage.parent-clear.argument.context=th'' contexts to filter through
luckperms.usage.parent-clear-track.description=Walks all th'' parents on th'' given track off th'' plank
luckperms.usage.parent-clear-track.argument.track=th'' track to remove on
luckperms.usage.parent-clear-track.argument.context=th'' contexts to filter through
luckperms.usage.meta-info.description=Shows all th'' chat meta
luckperms.usage.meta-set.description=Sets th'' meta value
luckperms.usage.meta-set.argument.key=th'' key to set
luckperms.usage.meta-set.argument.value=th'' value to set
luckperms.usage.meta-set.argument.context=th'' contexts to add th'' meta pair in
luckperms.usage.meta-unset.description=Unsets th'' meta value
luckperms.usage.meta-unset.argument.key=th'' key to unset
luckperms.usage.meta-unset.argument.context=th'' contexts to remove th'' meta pair ''n
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp.description=Sets th'' meta value temporarily
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp.argument.key=th'' key to set
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp.argument.value=th'' value to set
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp.argument.duration=th'' duration till the meta value expires
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp.argument.context=th'' contexts to add th'' meta pair in
luckperms.usage.meta-unsettemp.description=Walks a temporary meta value off th'' plank
luckperms.usage.meta-unsettemp.argument.key=th'' key to unset
luckperms.usage.meta-unsettemp.argument.context=th'' contexts to remove th'' meta pair ''n
luckperms.usage.meta-addprefix.description=Adds th'' prefix
luckperms.usage.meta-addprefix.argument.priority=th'' priority to add th'' prefix
luckperms.usage.meta-addprefix.argument.prefix=th'' prefix string
luckperms.usage.meta-addprefix.argument.context=th'' contexts to add th'' prefix ''n
luckperms.usage.meta-addsuffix.description=Adds th'' prefix
luckperms.usage.meta-addsuffix.argument.priority=th'' priority to add th'' suffix
luckperms.usage.meta-addsuffix.argument.suffix=th'' suffix string
luckperms.usage.meta-addsuffix.argument.context=th'' contexts to add th'' suffix ''n
luckperms.usage.meta-setprefix.description=Sets th'' prefix
luckperms.usage.meta-setprefix.argument.priority=th'' priority to set th'' prefix
luckperms.usage.meta-setprefix.argument.prefix=th'' prefix string
luckperms.usage.meta-setprefix.argument.context=th'' context to set th'' prefix in
luckperms.usage.meta-setsuffix.description=Sets th'' suffix
luckperms.usage.meta-setsuffix.argument.priority=th'' priority to set th'' suffix
luckperms.usage.meta-setsuffix.argument.suffix=th'' suffix string
luckperms.usage.meta-setsuffix.argument.context=th'' contexts to set th'' suffix ''n
luckperms.usage.meta-removeprefix.description=Walks a prefix off the plank
luckperms.usage.meta-removeprefix.argument.priority=th'' priority to forget th'' prefix
luckperms.usage.meta-removeprefix.argument.prefix=th'' prefix string
luckperms.usage.meta-removeprefix.argument.context=th'' contexts to remove th'' prefix in
luckperms.usage.meta-removesuffix.description=Walks a suffix off the plank
luckperms.usage.meta-removesuffix.argument.priority=th'' priority to forget th'' suffix
luckperms.usage.meta-removesuffix.argument.suffix=th'' suffix string
luckperms.usage.meta-removesuffix.argument.context=th'' contexts to remove th'' suffix in
luckperms.usage.meta-addtemp-prefix.description=Adds a prrrefix temporarily
luckperms.usage.meta-addtemp-prefix.argument.priority=th'' priority to add th'' prefix
luckperms.usage.meta-addtemp-prefix.argument.prefix=th'' prefix string
luckperms.usage.meta-addtemp-prefix.argument.duration=th'' duration till the prefix expires
luckperms.usage.meta-addtemp-prefix.argument.context=th'' contexts to add th'' prefix in
luckperms.usage.meta-addtemp-suffix.description=Adds a suffix temporarily
luckperms.usage.meta-addtemp-suffix.argument.priority=th'' priority to add th'' suffix
luckperms.usage.meta-addtemp-suffix.argument.suffix=th'' suffix string
luckperms.usage.meta-addtemp-suffix.argument.duration=th'' duration till the suffix expires
luckperms.usage.meta-addtemp-suffix.argument.context=th'' contexts to add th'' suffix ''n
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp-prefix.description=Sets a prrrefix temporarily
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp-prefix.argument.priority=th'' priority to set th'' prefix
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp-prefix.argument.prefix=th'' prefix string
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp-prefix.argument.duration=th'' duration till the prefix expires
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp-prefix.argument.context=th'' context to set th'' prefix in
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp-suffix.description=Sets a suffix temporarily
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp-suffix.argument.priority=th'' priority to set th'' suffix
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp-suffix.argument.suffix=th'' suffix string
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp-suffix.argument.duration=th'' duration till the suffix expires
luckperms.usage.meta-settemp-suffix.argument.context=th'' contexts to set th'' suffix ''n
luckperms.usage.meta-removetemp-prefix.description=Rrremoves a temporrrary prefix
luckperms.usage.meta-removetemp-prefix.argument.priority=th'' priority to forget th'' prefix
luckperms.usage.meta-removetemp-prefix.argument.prefix=th'' prefix sting
luckperms.usage.meta-removetemp-prefix.argument.context=th'' contexts to remove th'' prefix in
luckperms.usage.meta-removetemp-suffix.description=Rrremoves a temporrrary suffix
luckperms.usage.meta-removetemp-suffix.argument.priority=th'' priority to forget th'' suffix
luckperms.usage.meta-removetemp-suffix.argument.suffix=th'' suffix sting
luckperms.usage.meta-removetemp-suffix.argument.context=th'' contexts to remove th'' suffix in
luckperms.usage.meta-clear.description=Wipe th'' deck of all meta
luckperms.usage.meta-clear.argument.type=th'' type of meta to rrremove
luckperms.usage.meta-clear.argument.context=th'' contexts to filter through
luckperms.usage.track-info.description=Gives info about ye'' track
luckperms.usage.track-editor.description=Opens ye'' ol'' web permis''ion edit''r
luckperms.usage.track-append.description=Tacks on a group to the end of ye'' track'' group to append
luckperms.usage.track-insert.description=Inserts a group in some location along ye'' track'' group to insert
luckperms.usage.track-insert.argument.position=th'' position to insert th'' group (th'' first position is 1)
luckperms.usage.track-remove.description=Plank a group from th'' track'' group to plank
luckperms.usage.track-clear.description=Wipes the crews from th'' track
luckperms.usage.track-rename.description=Rename th'' track'' shiny new name
luckperms.usage.track-clone.description=Create a clone of th'' track'' name of th'' track to clone onto
luckperms.usage.log-recent.description=Rifle through th'' ship''s logs
luckperms.usage.log-recent.argument.user=th'' name/uuid of th'' user to filter through parchment number to be lookin'' out f''r
luckperms.usage.log-search.description=Look through th'' ship''s logs f''r an entry
luckperms.usage.log-search.argument.query=th'' query to search by parchment number to be lookin'' out f''r
luckperms.usage.log-notify.description=Toggle the bell f''r the ship''s logs
luckperms.usage.log-notify.argument.toggle=whether to raise or lower the sails on this
luckperms.usage.log-user-history.description=Read a mate''s ship-logs
luckperms.usage.log-user-history.argument.user=th'' name/uuid of th'' user'' parchment number to be lookin'' out f''r
luckperms.usage.log-group-history.description=View a crew''s ship-logs'' name of the crew parchment number to be lookin'' out f''r
luckperms.usage.log-track-history.description=View a track''s ship-logs
luckperms.usage.log-track-history.argument.track=th'' name of th'' track parchment number to be lookin'' out f''r
luckperms.usage.sponge.description=Rewrite th'' Sponge writings
luckperms.usage.sponge.argument.collection=th'' collection to flip through
luckperms.usage.sponge.argument.subject=th'' subject to modify
luckperms.usage.sponge-permission-info.description=Shows info ''bout th'' subject''s permissions
luckperms.usage.sponge-permission-info.argument.contexts=th'' contexts to filter through
luckperms.usage.sponge-permission-set.description=Sets a permission for the Subject
luckperms.usage.sponge-permission-set.argument.node=th'' permission node to set
luckperms.usage.sponge-permission-set.argument.tristate=th'' value to set the permission to
luckperms.usage.sponge-permission-set.argument.contexts=th'' context to set th'' permission in
luckperms.usage.sponge-permission-clear.description=Walk the Subject''s permissions off th'' plank
luckperms.usage.sponge-permission-clear.argument.contexts=th'' contexts to clear th'' permissions in
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-info.description=Shows info ''bout th'' subject''s parents
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-info.argument.contexts=th'' contexts to filter through
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-add.description=Add a parent to th'' Subject
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-add.argument.collection=th'' subject collection where th'' parent Subject is
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-add.argument.subject=th'' name of th'' parent Subject
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-add.argument.contexts=th'' contexts to add th'' parent ''n
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-remove.description=Rid th'' parent from the Subject
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-remove.argument.collection=th'' subject collection where th'' parent Subject be
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-remove.argument.subject=th'' name of th'' parent Subject
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-remove.argument.contexts=th'' contexts to remove th'' parent in
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-clear.description=Walk the Subject''s parents off th'' plank
luckperms.usage.sponge-parent-clear.argument.contexts=th'' contexts to clear th'' parents in
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-info.description=Shows info ''bout th'' subject''s options
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-info.argument.contexts=th'' contexts to filter through
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-set.description=Sets an option for th'' Subject
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-set.argument.key=th'' key to set
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-set.argument.value=th'' value to set the key to
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-set.argument.contexts=th'' context to set th'' option in
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-unset.description=Wipes an option for the Subject off th'' deck
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-unset.argument.key=th'' key to unset
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-unset.argument.contexts=th'' contexts to unset th'' key in
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-clear.description=Walk the Subject''s options off th'' plank
luckperms.usage.sponge-option-clear.argument.contexts=th'' contexts to clear th'' option in