--- parent: "[[Lecture]]" tags: - Lecture --- # Content - [x] Jupyter erklären - [x] assert statement - [x] Ausgabe - Tutorial 1 - [x] Print - [x] Kommentare - [x] Datentypen - [x] Integer - [x] Float - [x] Bool - [x] Sequentielle Datentypen - [x] Lists - [x] Dictionarys - [x] Tupel - [x] Sets - [x] Strings - [x] Docstrings - [x] Formatstrings - [x] Conditionals - [x] If-Else - [x] and, or, not - [x] isinstance - [x] While Loops - [x] Funktionen -> Foo-Bar -> 99 Bottles of Beer https://www.99-bottles-of-beer.net/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FITjBet3dio ```python beer = 99 while beer > -1: print() if beer == 0: print(''' No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer. We've taken them down and passed them around; now we're drunk and passed out! ''') elif beer == 1: print(beer, "bottle of beer on the wall,", beer, "bottle of beer.") print("Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.", end='') else: print(beer, "bottles of beer on the wall,", beer, "bottles of beer.") if beer - 1 == 1: print(f"Take one down and pass it around, {beer - 1} bottle of beer on the wall.") else: print(f"Take one down and pass it around, {beer - 1} bottles of beer on the wall.") beer -= 1 ``` # Gruppen - MeWi 1 (0/5) - MeWi 2 (0/5) - MeWi 3 (0/5) - MeWi 4 (0/5) - MeWi 5 (0/5) - MeWi 6 (0/5) - DiMuK (0/5) - Ing (0/5)