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id: red
title: Red
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(115, 42, 56)'
default-dark: 'rgb(219, 75, 75)'
id: red1
title: Red1
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(140, 67, 81)'
default-dark: 'rgb(255, 117, 127)'
id: green
title: Green
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(51, 99, 92)'
default-dark: 'rgb(158, 206, 106)'
id: cyan
title: Cyan
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(15, 75, 110)'
default-dark: 'rgb(125, 207, 255)'
id: blue
title: Blue
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(52, 84, 138)'
default-dark: 'rgb(122, 162, 247)'
id: yellow
title: Yellow
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(143, 94, 21)'
default-dark: 'rgb(224, 175, 104)'
id: orange
title: Orange
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(150, 80, 39)'
default-dark: 'rgb(255, 158, 100)'
id: magenta
title: Magenta
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(90, 74, 120)'
default-dark: 'rgb(187, 154, 247)'
id: Background-colors
title: Background Colors
type: heading
level: 1
collapsed: true
id: bg
title: Background Primary
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(213, 214, 219)'
default-dark: 'rgb(26, 27, 38)'
id: bg_dark
title: Background Dark
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(203, 204, 209)'
default-dark: 'rgb(22, 22, 30)'
id: bg_highlight
title: Background Highlight
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(220, 222, 226)'
default-dark: 'rgb(41, 46, 66)'
id: bg_highlight_dark
title: Background Highlight Dark
description: 'Used for code bg and cite callout color'
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(195, 197, 201)'
default-dark: 'rgb(36, 40, 59)'
id: bg_dark2
title: Background Dark2
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: 'rgb(188, 189, 194)'
default-dark: 'rgb(15, 15, 20)'
id: foreground-header
title: Foreground
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: text-color-heading
title: Text / Icon Color
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: text-normal
title: Text Normal
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-muted
title: Text Muted
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-faint
title: Text Faint
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-accent
title: Text Accent
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-accent-hover
title: Text Accent Hover
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-on-accent
title: Text on Accent
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-on-accent-inverted
title: Text on Accent Inverted
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-error
title: Text Error
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-warning
title: Text Warning
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-success
title: Text Success
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: interactive-heading
title: Interactive color
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: interactive-normal
title: Interactive Normal
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: interactive-hover
title: Interactive Hover
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: interactive-accent
title: Interactive Accent
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: interactive-accent-hover
title: Interactive Accent Hover
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: interactive-accent-hsl
title: Interactive Accent HSL
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
/* @settings
name: Editor
id: Editor
id: headings
title: Headings
type: heading
level: 1
collapsed: true
id: level-1-heading
title: Level 1
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: h1-divider-on
title: Enable H1 divider
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: h1-font
title: H1 Font
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h1-size
title: H1 Font Size
description: Any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h1-weight
title: H1 Font Weight
description: Value from 100 - 900
type: variable-text
default: 700
id: h1-color
title: H1 Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: level-2-heading
title: Level 2
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: h2-divider-on
title: Enable H2 divider
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: h2-font
title: H2 Font
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h2-size
title: H2 Font Size
description: Any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h2-weight
title: H2 Font Weight
description: Value from 100 - 900
type: variable-text
default: 600
id: h2-color
title: H2 Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: level-3-heading
title: Level 3
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: h3-divider-on
title: Enable H3 divider
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: h3-font
title: H3 Font
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h3-size
title: H3 Font Size
description: Any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h3-weight
title: H3 Font Weight
description: Value from 100 - 900
type: variable-text
default: 600
id: h3-color
title: H3 Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: level-4-heading
title: Level 4
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: h4-divider-on
title: Enable H4 divider
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: h4-font
title: H4 Font
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h4-size
title: H4 Font Size
description: Any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h4-weight
title: H4 Font Weight
description: Value from 100 - 900
type: variable-text
default: 600
id: h4-color
title: H4 Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: level-5-heading
title: Level 5
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: h5-divider-on
title: Enable H5 divider
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: h5-font
title: H5 Font
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h5-size
title: H5 Font Size
description: Any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h5-weight
title: H5 Font Weight
description: Value from 100 - 900
type: variable-text
default: 600
id: h5-color
title: H5 Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: level-6-heading
title: Level 6
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: h6-divider-on
title: Enable H6 divider
type: class-toggle
default: false
id: h6-font
title: H6 Font
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h6-size
title: H6 Font Size
description: Any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: h6-weight
title: H6 Font Weight
description: Value from 100 - 900
type: variable-text
default: 600
id: h6-color
title: H6 Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: text-heading
title: Text
type: heading
level: 1
collapsed: true
id: bold-color
title: Bold Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: italic-color
title: Italic Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: link-heading
title: Links
type: heading
level: 1
collapsed: true
id: link-color
title: Link Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: link-color-hover
title: Link Hover Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: link-decoration
title: Link decoration
description: Any CSS text-decoration-line value
type: variable-text
default: underline
id: link-decoration-hover
title: Link Hover decoration
description: Any CSS text-decoration-line value
type: variable-text
default: underline
id: link-decoration-thickness
title: Link decoration thickness
description: Any CSS text-decoration-thickness value
type: variable-text
default: auto
id: external-link-heading
title: External Link
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: link-external-color
title: External Link Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: link-external-color-hover
title: External Link Hover Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: link-external-decoration
title: External Link decoration
description: Any CSS text-decoration-line value
type: variable-text
default: underline
id: link-external-decoration-hover
title: External Link Hover decoration
description: Any CSS text-decoration-line value
type: variable-text
default: underline
id: link-external-filter
title: External Link Filter
description: Any CSS filter value
type: variable-text
default: invert(35%) sepia(28%) saturate(681%) hue-rotate(192deg) brightness(94%) contrast(85%)
id: unresolved-link-heading
title: Unresolved Link
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: link-unresolved-color
title: Unresolved Link Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: link-unresolved-opacity
title: Unresolved link opacity
type: variable-number-slider
default: 0.7
min: 0.25
max: 1
step: 0.05
id: link-unresolved-filter
title: Unresolved Link Filter
description: Any CSS filter value
type: variable-text
default: none
id: link-unresolved-decoration
title: Unresolved Link decoration
description: Any CSS text-decoration-line value
type: variable-text
default: solid
id: link-unresolved-decoration-color
title: Unresolved Link decoration Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: lists-heading
title: Lists
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: list-indent
title: List Indent
type: variable-text
default: 2.25em
id: list-spacing
title: list spacing
type: variable-text
default: 0.075em
id: list-bullet-size
title: list marker size
type: variable-text
default: 0.3em
id: list-marker-color
title: list marker color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: list-marker-color-hover
title: list marker color (hover)
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: list-marker-color-collapsed
title: list marker color (collapsed)
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: Tags
title: Tags
title.zh: 标签
type: heading
collapsed: true
level: 2
id: tag-color
title: Tag text color
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: tag-background
title: Tag background color
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: tag-background-hover
title: Tag background color (hover)
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: table-heading
title: Tables
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: table-border-width
title: Table Border Width
type: variable-number-slider
default: 1
min: 0
max: 20
step: 1
format: px
id: table-border-color
title: Table Border Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: rgb
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-heading
title: Code
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: code-background
title: Code Background
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-normal
title: Code Normal
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-comment
title: Code Comment
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-function
title: Code Function
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-important
title: Code Important
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-keyword
title: Code Keyword
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-operator
title: Code Operator
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-property
title: Code Property
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-punctuation
title: Code Punctuation
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-string
title: Code String
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-tag
title: Code Tag
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: code-value
title: Code Value
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: blockquote-heading
title: Blockquote
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: blockquote-border-thickness
title: Blockquote Border Thickness
type: variable-number-slider
default: 3
min: 0
max: 20
step: 1
format: px
id: blockquote-border-color
title: Blockquote Border Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: blockquote-color
title: Blockquote Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: blockquote-background-color
title: Blockquote Background Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: checkbox-heading
title: Checkboxes
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: checkbox-radius
title: Checkbox Radius
description: Any CSS border-radius value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: checkbox-color
title: Checkbox Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: checkbox-color-hover
title: Checkbox Hover Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: checkbox-marker-color
title: Checkbox Marker Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: checkbox-border-color
title: Checkbox Border Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: checkbox-border-color-hover
title: Checkbox Border Hover Color
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-heading
title: Callouts
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: callout-style-select
title: Callout Style
type: class-select
allowEmpty: false
default: callout-style-customize
- label: Customize
value: callout-style-customize
- label: style 1
value: callout-style-1
- label: style 2
value: callout-style-2
- label: style 3
value: callout-style-3
- label: style 4
value: callout-style-4
id: callout-border-width
title: Callout Border Width
type: variable-text
description: Any CSS border-width value
default: 0px
id: callout-border-opacity
title: Callout Border Opacity
type: variable-number-slider
default: 0.25
min: 0
max: 1
step: 0.05
id: callout-padding
title: Callout Padding
description: Accepts any CSS padding value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: callout-radius
title: Callout Radius
description: Input your border-radius value here
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: callout-title-color
title: Callout Title Color
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-title-padding
title: Callout Title Padding
description: Any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: callout-title-size
title: Callout Title Size
description: Any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: callout-content-padding
title: Callout Content Padding
description: Any CSS font-size value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: callout-content-background
title: Callout Content Background
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-content-radius
title: Callout Content Radius
description: Input your border-radius value here
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: callout-color-heading
title: Callout Colors
type: heading
level: 3
collapsed: true
id: callout-default
title: Default Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-info
title: Info Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-summary
title: Summary Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-tip
title: Tip Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-todo
title: Todo Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-bug
title: Bug Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-error
title: Error Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-fail
title: Fail Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-example
title: Example Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-important
title: Important Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-success
title: Success Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-question
title: Question Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-warning
title: Warning Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: callout-quote
title: Quote Callout
type: variable-themed-color
format: hex
opacity: false
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: embed-heading
title: Embeds
type: heading
level: 2
collapsed: true
id: embed-background
title: Embed Background
type: variable-themed-color
opacity: true
format: hex
default-light: '#'
default-dark: '#'
id: embed-padding
title: Embed Padding
description: Any CSS padding value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: embed-border-radius
title: Embed Border Radius
description: Any CSS border-radius value
type: variable-text
default: ''
id: embed-font-style
title: Embed Font Style
description: Any CSS font-style value
type: variable-text
default: ''